The Ontario Expropriation Association (the "OEA") is made up of individuals from professions involved in the acquisition of land for public purposes. Expropriation occurs when public bodies such as the federal and provincial governments, municipalities or school boards, acquire land for public purposes under compulsion of law. In the majority of cases, expropriation involves a complicated process that must be carried out in strict accordance with legislation (in Ontario the Expropriations Act).
The expropriation process can involve engineering, planning, appraisal, business loss and other expertise in addition to negotiation and binding arbitration to ensure that both land owners and public authorities are treated fairly.
The OEA exists to provide a forum for professionals involved in expropriation to educate one another on relevant issues, network both professionally and socially and work towards the improvement of the expropriation process in Ontario. Membership in the OEA is open to individuals, governments and corporations who have involvement in expropriation and related land acquisition activities.
The OEA provides events in the spring and fall of each year for all of its members, as well as other periodic events. In addition, it distributes a newsletters relating to developing issues, assembles publications on expropriation and promotes the study of expropriation.
Other Benefits Include:
- Discounted Rates to Spring/Fall Seminars
- Access to Members Only Website Content
- Seminar Documents
- Newsletters
- By-Laws
- Document Search
- Newsletter Search
To become a member of the OEA, click here